Do NOT do this until you have printed out your grades for your personal records.  Please note that we CANNOT keep records indefinitely, and eventually archive courses.  We only have so much server space, and do not have the budget to keep unlimited years records.  PRINT OUT YOUR RECORDS EACH YEAR AS YOU COMPLETE THEM.  We cannot guarantee they will be there later.

If you wish to unenroll from a class and will not have any future need to access the class, you may go into the course page yourself and choose "Unenroll me" under administration at the side of the page.

(Unenrol is the Australian/British spelling.  Many of the developers of the Moodle software are based there.  That is not something we can easily adjust.)


Please make sure to print your grades NOW if you need them.  We try to keep the courses archived a while, but can't keep them indefinitely.  We have a limited budget and our server only has so much space.  At some point we need to purge the oldest courses.  You will want to print out grades for your records as you complete each course.  

It is not a requirement to unenroll from classes at the end of a school year.  You may wish to customize your dashboard instead.  You can go to your dashboard and click the blue customize button.  That lets you choose how many courses you want to show on the page and also drag and drop to switch the order.  


At the bottom, you can then have the hidden (old) courses only available if you needed to look back at them.  Again, do not wait to print out grades, but they will be there until we archive.