The At Your Own Pace (AYOP) option maximizes flexibility but there is less volunteer instructor and student contact. The Live Online Classroom option has all the fun of having classmates and the teacher there live time, but you have to go at the pace of the class with a distinct start date. Families that discover us mid-school-year usually are not able to get right in to a live class but the AYOP classes seat year-round.
The live classes will enroll through summer as volunteers step up. Enrollment closes for live classes on August 4.
The live classes will enroll through summer as volunteers step up. Enrollment closes for live classes on August 4.
NOTE: All live classes are subject to LOTTERY ENROLLMENT. Please see this section to see how enrollment and lottery works:
VHSG 101
VHSG 101
In math and science, both options have the same ...
automatically graded quizzes, lab report starters for science, recorded lectures (except that in the live class these are for missed live lectures instead of the primary content source)
automatically graded quizzes, lab report starters for science, recorded lectures (except that in the live class these are for missed live lectures instead of the primary content source)
Only math and science and ASL 1 have AYOP options at this time. Not all classes can be offered AYOP for various reasons:
- Some publishers only allow us to offer live classes.
- Classes like writing and grammar need graders and there is no way we could get enough volunteer support.
- Some classes are set up in a format that is highly based on student interaction and class discussion. A completely different format would be needed to offer as an AYOP class.
- Additional resources such as video lectures and automatically graded resources are needed for AYOP. That takes volunteer time to create.