We will start recruiting teachers at the end of April/early May.  We ask that volunteer teachers commit to teaching by June 30 (preferably before).  As teachers step up, the classes they have volunteered for will open for lottery enrollment from the home page.  Lottery enrollment will go all through summer and close on August 4 at midnight.


  • Lottery enrollment does NOT mean you have a guaranteed spot in the class.  
  • Some classes need multiple sessions to seat all students wanting a spot in the class.
  • We continue through the summer to monitor enrollment numbers and recruit additional volunteer teachers and graders for classes needing additional sessions.
  • The classes we can offer and the number of sessions available depends completely on volunteers stepping up to support them.
  • Seating is NOT first come, first serve.  
  • Enrollment starts in each class after first teacher commits and goes through August 4 at midnight.
  • After enrollment closes on August 4, we will review classes as far as seating goes and do lotteries if needed.  (Final seating in classes takes time to go through, and may be a week or more after enrollment closes.  How fast we can do lottery depends on how much help we get on the back end and how fast volunteers step up to seat the last of the students needed a spot.  In other words, it depends on YOU!)
  • First students to be seated will be Early Seating families. (Even Early Seating families could be subject to lottery if not enough volunteers are available.)
  • If there is still room in classes, General Seating students (everyone else) would be seated using a lottery. 

Prior to enrolling in courses, a parent from each family MUST complete the Parent Pre-Enrollment Course.   This is required (even for experienced VHSG families.)  This will help you go through the steps of making sure all accounts are set up correctly for your family and go through some changes to the courses that have happened recently.  

  • To get enrollment keys, you need to have completed this Parent Pre-Enrollment Course with your PARENT account.


Upon completion of the Parent Pre-Enrollment Course, you will receive the enrollment codes to enroll in the classes and instructions for how to enroll.